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Validate a business idea

Do you have a great idea? Make sure you're creating a market ready product before writing a single line of code.

Primary benefits:

  • Gain market insight

    Well-meaning feedback from friends and family is often misleading. Instead, run small yet effective experimental campaigns. And let real market data drive how you refine features and define your MVP.

  • Attract early adopters

    Identify your most receptive customer segments and create a warm wait list of potential customers before your product is ready.

  • Instill confidence in potential investors

    Validated ideas with defined ICPs, and warm lists reduce risks for your potential investors. Validated pricing models help build more accurate projections, which will help in your negotiations.

👉 Who is this for? Primarily meant for solopreneurs and early-stage startups, it can also be used by later-stage startups to validate different hypotheses such as pricing, market segment, messaging, etc.

🛟 Need support? Want to discuss your project? Hire our experts? Reach us at

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